About Tara

You can have a voice and still not have a voice.”
“You can have a voice and still not have a voice.”
For years I had lived the dream…a recording artist with a Christian record label. I would travel from church to church, venue to venue sharing how God had led me out of a life of people pleasing and depression into a new walk with Him. I was passionate about revealing the enemy’s lies…and I could share this transformational truth through song.
When I was diagnosed with gastroparesis, and lost the ability to sing for long stretches of time, I questioned God. What are You doing? I don’t understand. All this work, these dreams…how could they just crumble like rubble? Is this really what you want, Lord?
In the turbulence of that season, I began pouring out my heart through blogs. Through stories. When an author friend suggested I attend the national conference of the American Christian Fiction Writers, I balked. Who was I? I wasn’t a writer. I was a singer.
But I attended anyway.
In my very first class, the instructor shared about each author’s unique voice—the way they blend words and phrases to paint a picture…not on canvas but on paper to reach the hearts of thousands. That’s when God caught my attention.
My child, you can have a voice and still not have a voice.
Since that moment, God launched me into a new calling. To write. To create. To encourage new authors and hungry readers. To build worlds and characters that would show each person’s need for the unfailing love of Jesus.
And I can’t imagine it any other way.
Short Bio:
Tara Johnson is an author and speaker, and loves to write stories that help people break free from the lies they believe about themselves.
Tara’s debut novel Engraved on the Heart (Tyndale) earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly, and was a finalist in the Carol and Christy awards. She has been a featured guest on radio, television and podcasts. In addition to being a certified body language expert, Tara is a history nerd, especially the Civil War, and adores making people laugh. She, her husband, and children live in Arkansas.
Long Bio:
Whether it’s fiction, nonfiction, or nonverbal communication, Tara Johnson is passionate lover of stories. She travels to churches, ladies retreats and prisons to share how God led her into freedom after spending years living shackled as a people-pleasing preacher’s kid.
From the time she was young and watched Gone with the Wind with her mother for the first time, the Civil War intrigued her. That fascination grew into all aspects of American history and the brave people and stories who made up its vibrant past.
“History is crammed full of larger-than-life characters. Doc Holliday, Annie Oakley, Helen Keller, Daniel Boone, George Washington, Amelia Earhart and Frederick Douglass are just a few examples of flawed, wounded humans who battled their demons with vibrant determination and left an indelible mark on the pages of history. I suppose that’s why people are so fascinating. No matter the era, we all battle the same wounds. Abandonment, abusive fathers, overprotective mothers, loss, grief, rejection, addiction, crippling anxiety, loneliness, or the yearning for unconditional love, to name a few. We all battle the same junk and have to decide whether to fight or cave. Run or stand. Cry or smile. That’s what great characters do. They are a reflection of our struggles, our own wounds. Our own need. And, when written well, they remind us Who we need to turn to for healing.”
Tara has been published with Tyndale House Publishers, Annie’s Pubishing, Guideposts, and has written numerous articles and blogs. In addition to her writing, she has spoken at multiple events, including writing workshops, and has appeared on radio and television. Tara is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. In 2023, she earned her certification in Body Language from the Joe Navarro Body Language Academy.
She and her husband Todd live in Arkansas and the Lord has blessed them with five children: Bethany, Callie, Nate, as well as Taylor Lynn and Morgan Lane who are with Jesus.
Awards and Nominations:
Christy award and Carol award nominations for Engraved on the Heart
Starred reviews from Publishers Weekly
Novels translated in Polish and Dutch
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