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How to Find Joy in Failure

The Arkansas State Police is a happening place to be, especially in the motor vehicle office and even more so from one to four when they are administering driving tests. I recently took a family member to fill out some paperwork, which provided me plenty of time to sit in the waiting room and watch people coming and going. Anxious teens milled around, some of whom were too cool to show their jitters. Nervous mothers smacking gum contrasted against parents who rolled their eyes, muttering to the person on the other end of their cell phone that young Anthony "...better…

When We Fall for the Lie “Approval Equals Love”

I desperately want people to like me. There. I said it. The thought of someone being displeased with me in any way drops a sick feeling in my gut. What's one way to shake that cold feeling of dread? Work harder. Be more agreeable, more likable. Fit in. Be accepted and never, ever let them see the real you. After all, if they know what you're really like, the acceptance will disappear. Right? That's what I told myself, anyways. I've battled people pleasing all my life. I can readily admit it now, but I would have died a thousand deaths…

When Fear Was Shattered

What strange times we’re muddling through. Covid-19 has left us all reeling, searching for answers. For normalcy. For an end to the chaos. For hope. I pondered what I should share with you this month. I wondered if you wanted to know how my speaking schedule has come to a grinding halt. (Whose hasn’t?) I could tell you about living out of boxes while in the middle of a move during a global epidemic, or how being a homeschooling mama has saved my sanity during these educational transitions, or about the new story I’ve just begun. Instead, I think it…

Wants and Needs: Which One is Netflix?

Country living is the best. Well, it was awesome to me, anyways. For a time in my childhood, my Dad pastored a small church in a tiny Arkansas town, population 630. It wasn’t exactly a metropolis. We had one bank, one gas station, one small grocery store and one restaurant where you could buy anything deep fried. That’s it. Everything else consisted of houses, churches, dirt roads and cows. Lots of cows. Everywhere. Oh, I forgot to mention chicken houses. Growing up in a small, Mayberry type of town is awesome when you are a little kid. The closest Wal-mart,…

Cracked Pots

A fable A water bearer in India had two large pots, one hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full potion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master’s house. The cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and half pots full of water in his master’s house. Of course, the perfect pot was…

Homeschooling Mishaps in History

Homeschooling is an adventure. It’s a study of exploring your children’s learning style, combined with discovering the number of emotions that can be expressed in one day, all while acquiring knowledge of how long a mom can lock herself in a bathroom with chocolate before her family calls 911. I’m baffled how quickly I can teach my kiddos something and have it drain from their spongy brains like sweet tea in a mason jar at a church potluck. This was never more apparent when teaching history. One afternoon, as I was helping my daughter prepare for a history test concerning…
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