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Sippy Cups: When It Seems God Doesn’t Care

Have you ever felt that God isn't listening to you? Perhaps He showed you something phenomenal He's about do in and through your life. A child, a gift or talent maybe. Perhaps it was a vocational change or ministry calling of some sort. Perhaps it's a long-held dream right on the cusp of fruition. God revealed that glimpse to you, confirmed it and reminded you again for good measure. Your excitement mounted and it seemed like a million dreams were about to be fulfilled. You lived each day in breathless anticipation. When would it happen? When would He move? You're…

What I’ve Learned Living with Gastroparesis

When I was diagnosed with gastroparesis several years ago, I confess not much in my life initially seemed to change. I had been dealing with severe reflux issues for several years and became full quickly when I ate. Nothing more. My husband had always accused me of having an eating disorder, mistakenly thinking I was starving myself to maintain a slimmer physique. Not so. When my gastroenterologist discovered the source of my problems, everything suddenly made sense. Gastroparesis. That not-so-bad issue has changed significantly in the past year. For those of you who have never heard of this problem, let…

Unchained: Breaking Free From the Slavery Mindset, Part Two

  In part one, we looked at the very real possibility that many of us, although we accepted the freedom Jesus bought for us, continue to have our minds and emotions stuck in the 'slavery mindset'. To review from part one, here is the definition of a slave mentality: It conditions a person to accept harmful circumstances to themselves as the natural order of things. They view their own worth through their master's eyes. They believe about themselves what they have been told to believe, whether it's true or not. The dichotomy between our freedom and the slavery mindset is…

Unchained: Breaking Free from the Mindset of Slavery, Part 1

  I recently finished writing my first Civil War novel about the bravery and courage of those who aided the Underground Railroad. It's been inspiring, heartbreaking and challenging, to say the least, but so incredibly rewarding to examine the lives of some of our country's rawest freedom fighters. In gathering research, I found this quote by Harriet Tubman and it left a deep impression in my spirit. "I freed a thousand slaves. I would've freed a thousand more, if they only knew they were slaves."  If they only knew they were slaves... After all my research and delving into the…

When The Makeup Runs

by Tara Johnson I watched the performers dancing down Main Street of Disney's Magic Kingdom, spinning in their glittering, satin costumes, smiling with those perfectly lined white teeth and painted lips, and I couldn't help it. I felt a pang of pity.  Oh, they were beautiful and mesmerizing as they sang and danced under the swelling rush of orchestra music and glitter. Every little girl wanted to be like those singing princesses. Every boy wanted to be as courageous as those muscled, grinning heroes. Their exuberant performances drew everyone's attention as the crush of people applauded and whistled their approval.…

A Wounded Shepherd: When Pastors Suffer With Depression

It's taboo. A major no-no. Pastors never deal with stuff like depression. They certainly are never suicidal...right? Um, no. Talk of depression among pastors is often pushed under the rug. Oftentimes, by the pastors themselves. Thom S. Rainer says, "Depression was once a topic reserved for 'other people'. It certainly was not something those in vocational ministry experienced. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that ministers rarely admitted that they were depressed. After all, weren’t these servants of God supposed to have their acts together? How could pastors and other ministers who have the call of God on their…
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