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Caffeinated Spirituality
I'm a lot more spiritual after I've had caffeine. I know it's sad but true. I've lost count of how many times I've joked about it. It usually gets a laugh because we all know what it's like to stumble out of bed, hair tangled and blinking through puffy eyes, unready and unprepared to face another day. Sunlight seems like an offense. We mumble and grumble through our morning routine, grouching at loud noises or quick tempers. We snap for others to leave us alone until we've had our coffee, our Mountain Dew or whatever our stimulant of choice may…
There’s No Pit So Deep…
Sometimes we're so busy living in shame, beating ourselves up for our past, that we neglect to remember what God forgives. Can Jesus forgive you if you've had an abortion? Absolutely. Can Jesus forgive you if you've dabbled in drugs and alcohol and are now battling addiction? Without a doubt. Can Jesus forgive you if you've had an affair? Of course. Can Jesus forgive you if you've delved into the dark world of pornography and contaminated your mind? Yep. Can Jesus forgive the backslidden, the judgmental, the prostitute, the lukewarm Christian, the legalist or the abuser? Yes, yes, yes, yes…
Stop It!
by Tara Johnson Have you seen the "Stop It" sketch starring Bob Newhart? A friend recently showed it to me on Youtube and I confess, it left me in stitches. Let me give you the quick run-down: Bob Newhart is playing a therapist and a woman enters his office as a first time patient. He tells her he only charges five dollars for a five minute therapy session. She looks baffled but pleased. How often can you get a deal like that? He listens to her confess her terrifying phobia of being trapped in a box, a debilitating neurosis that…
The Apology Letter: The Day I Learned to Stop Being Dr. Phil
There it was. The screaming. The wailing. The crying. Audible proof that my two girls had engaged in another battle of wills as they cleaned their room. I braced myself for the onslaught of "she said"s and "It's all her faults"s as I climbed the stairs to their room. Sure enough, one was accused of pushing her work off on the other. The pushee called the pusher a creep. The pusher called the pushee a get the idea. As I listened to their wails of injustice, I groaned in spirit. I know I'm not alone. Moms all over the…
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
by Tara Johnson Push ups. Pull ups. Sit ups. Juice fasts. No carbs. All carbs. Cellulite. Lipsuction. Tummy tucks. Botox. Lunges. Slimming pants. Spanx. Colon cleanse. Burn, sweat and you'll be ripped, finally attaining physical perfection and the fulfillment of your dreams. Sound familiar? Our culture is inundated with the strive for the perfect body. Whether it's diets, workout plans, skin imperfections or the like, we have become a people obsessed. Just look at all the controversy that popped up weeks ago when a photo of Cindy Crawford hit the internet---a photo void of airbrushing and computer tricks. The…
How to Help Your Preacher’s Kid Part 3: Feed Those Guppies
by Tara Johnson We've looked at the ups and downs of PK life, as well as the lasting scars inflicted by cruel people in many churches. But don't throw out your fish food yet. Some guppies have tried to swim through turbulent waters and floundered. Others have thrived, even in a tiny fish bowl with hundreds of eyes on them, just waiting for them to go belly up. Tired of the fish puns? Me too. Let's swim away and take a look at what we can do to help the preacher's kids thrive. I should add that this advice doesn't…