The Boy in 22 F: When There are No Answers
I was sitting on a rumbling plane in Chicago, waiting for the painfully slow pilot to push us back from the gate. No one seemed to be in a hurry that morning. Not the airline nor the stewards. Even the ground controllers outside my window appeared to be dragging their feet. I blinked the grit from my eyes. I wasn’t faring much better. The stale air blowing through the circular vents overhead wasn’t helping. Everyone seemed sluggish…except for the four year boy seated behind me in 22 F.
The squirming tyke with his high-pitched voice was chattering nonstop, barely stopping for breath, peppering his Dad with question after question.
“Why are dese seats so big?”
“Will we get ice cream on dis plane?”
“Will we be flying into outer space?”
I found myself smiling at his Junior Asparagus style voice and contagious enthusiasm. I set down the book I trying to read as God impressed this directive into my heart, “Listen.”
The boy had apparently pressed his face up against the window, for his voice sounded muffled and mushed. “Why are dose men waving dere arms?”
His father patiently replied, “They signal the pilot and other workers where to go. The plane is big and there’s a lot going on. The men help the pilot see all around him so we don’t bump into anything.”
The boy squirmed and pointed. “What are dose little trucks for?”
I heard a smile in the father’s voice. “Those trucks bring different things to the plane. Some bring fuel. Others carry our suitcases.”
“That’s cool.”
The boy grew silent for a moment when another vehicle must have caught his eye. “What about that one, Daddy? What is that truck for?”
The father looked at the open-air truck carrying spiked pallets. “I’m sorry, buddy. I have no idea what those are used for.”
The boy was quiet.
The father leaned in. “I wish I could tell you the answer. Are you upset that I don’t know?”
The little boy giggled. “Don’t be silly. I don’t need all the answers. I just like asking you questions and having fun with you!”
And then I knew why God had me eavesdrop on their sweet conversation. The boy in 22 F was teaching me, and anyone else who was willing to listen, a beautiful lesson.
We are an answer-driven people. We want to know why.
Why did I lose my job? Why is my health failing? Why is _____________ battling so hard when they have given their life to God? Why does it seem like the cruel people flourish while the good guys barely scrape by? Why was my child born “different”? Why doesn’t my spouse love me anymore?
We want answers. They give us a false sense of control. When we beg God to know the ‘whys’, what we are really saying is, “I need to know the plan. God owes me the details. I want to be the one in the driver’s seat.”
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Are you ready?
You and I have no control. None. Control is an illusion. Period.
I can’t control how my boss, or anyone else, will treat me. I can’t control or understand how good and bad falls on both the just and unjust, nor can I control it when airlines lose my luggage, when a loved one dies, an unexpected diagnosis, or a thousand other things the human heart hopes to never hear.
We can beg and plead for answers all day long. Sometimes we get them. Sometimes we don’t. But in all of our crying for answers, we can miss out on the most important part of walking through the unknown…that is experiencing the God Who is walking through it with us.
A friend recently asked me if I thought my recent struggles with my voice and gastroparesis were due to an attack by the enemy or because God is closing a door in a specific part of my ministry. I told her I had searched and prayed for months but honestly, I had no idea. And that’s okay. I’ve learned to be content in not having the answers. Instead, God has taught me how to redirect my focus into the joy of simply being with Him. In knowing Him in a deeper way, a relationship that isn’t dependent on answers because my trust isn’t based on what He does but is grounded on Who He is.
I want a relationship with my Father the way the little boy in 22 F looked up to his. ” I don’t need all the answers. I just like asking you questions and having fun with you…”
I want my faith in Jesus to be unshakable…no answers needed.
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LOVE this… Tara – you are incredibly gifted! What a neat perspective on what could have been a missed opportunity if you had chosen to be annoyed at the distraction from the enthusiastic little guy – rather than taking a quiet moment to just listen. A peaceful place… content to listen to what God had for you. Content NOT to have all of the answers. How precious! Thank you for sharing your beautiful smile, amazing heart and brilliant mind with us! Love you!
Aww, I love you too beautiful Marcie! Isn’t God good to teach us in the sweetest of ways?
Excellent post! So appropriately timed to coincide too with The Story of WITH – and our conference continuing ed class with Allen Arnold – brought to mind his video with his son – “Just like being with you.”
My pleasure, Joy!
Hi, a Facebook friend shared your blog and I had a similar experience I blogged about last month if you’d like to read it? Just if you want and have time.
This was a wonderful blog to read 🙂
I have medically complex kids and I need this reminder often.
Wow, Courtney. I just read your story. Powerful! And the way He even removed your desire for those tests and gave you His peace instead….so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Wow Tara! As I sat at the breakfast table reading this my husband ask “What is it?” as I began to cry. I, of course, had to read it to him too! Lol what a powerful insight! Love it!
Thank you so much, Kim. 🙂 Isn’t it amazing how God uses the simplest things to reveal the most profound, beautiful truths? I love the way He fathers His children.