What is my 2020 Word of the Year?
Each year I pick a word to meditate on…I know. The whole concept can seem a bit hokey, but for wordsmiths, this concept is an exhilarating gem. It’s a way for me to stay focused on God, and His character, throughout the ups and downs and crazy distractions that mark each year.
Past words of the year have been bold, peace, presence…you get the idea. After much thought and prayer, 2020’s word of the year is follow.
This word wasn’t chosen lightly. This past season has been the most difficult I’ve ever walked. It was filled with trauma, rejection, devastation, and oppression on nearly every front. But out of the chaos, God has birthed something new. A new season. A time of healing. Following is all about trusting the Shepherd. Letting Him lead, even when we have no idea where He is taking us, what the path will look like or where the destination will be. It’s both exciting and terrifying.
This has nothing to do with following my heart (God forbid!), my gut, my dreams, or anything else that is based on feelings that shift like sand. I only want to chase after Jesus.
There is a world of surrender in the word follow, but I’d rather face the unknown with my Savior than try to navigate one step inside my comfort zone on my own.
Follow. 2020. Let’s do this.
Comments 6
Yes!! Love it Sista!! My word is TRUST. One moment at a time, following JESUS & loving the people HE has given me for my life journey, & the ones HE puts in my path, in a way that will glorify HIM.
Yes!! Love it Sista!! My word is TRUST. One moment at a time, following JESUS & loving the people HE has given me for my life journey, & the ones HE puts in my path, in a way that will glorify HIM.
TRUST is a great word! Here’s to trusting and following God in 2020. 🙂
Encouraging thoughts. Thank you.
If you don’t mind, I’ll pick follow too. I love everything about it!
Absolutely! The more, the merrier!