When The World is Spiraling Out of Control…What Do We Do?
During this tumultuous season in our nation, its easy to raise our voices, to shout our opinions, our convictions, and our testimonies. In all honesty, I feel that social media can become a riot of its own…a mob of anger, name-calling, opportunities to be ‘seen’, and pointing fingers. Little of it is effective. Some of it causes the wounds to deepen.
We live in a sin-sick world, filled with broken people who have been grieved and hurt by other wounded people. The ripple effects of these decisions cascade down through generations. That’s what sin does. It kills. It destroys. It rips families apart. It ruins lives.
I don’t have the answer. It’s far too complex and far-reaching for simple solutions, banners, and any human-made solutions we try to concoct. Why? Because we are the problem. We start the problem and then wonder why we cannot fix it.
Government cannot erase the stain of sin. Social programs cannot change hearts. Education tries to remold the clay of our thoughts, but it’s often like applying lacquer to a rotten piece of wood. It covers the furniture in a pretty sheen but the decay remains.
The only One Who can transform hearts and minds is Jesus.
But for those of us who know Him, what should we do during this time? I have no answers save what He has written in His Word. Love. Forgive. Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God. Care for the poor. Speak truth. Focus on loving those within our own circle of influence well and stop worrying about how well others are loving theirs, for that is the only thing we can control. Let our gentleness be evident to all.
When this life is over, all that will matter is how well we loved God and how well we loved people. All people.