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Raising a Wild Child Without Losing Your Mind

  Wild child. Stubborn. Headstrong. Independent. Strong-willed. Although, having been one of those myself, I suppose I've always preferred the term "steadfastly-minded". You know the type of kid I'm talking about. If you're not sure, here's a checklist. You might have a wild child if... -You've considered purchasing a taser as a disciplinary tool. Okay, not really. (But maybe.) -The medical personnel at the ER know you and your kid by name.  - Your kid can unlock any child-proof device invented in under 3.7 seconds. Sometimes less. -Your eye twitches sporadically for no apparent reason, although you suspect it's trauma-related.…

But I Have This Treasure

You know the feeling. A cold, clenched stomach. Darkness. A pounding heart. All you want to do is hide. You beg the eyes fixed on you to disappear but they won’t. They gape and you wonder what they must think, how they must see you. You feel worthless. Exposed. I’m talking about shame. Is there a more miserable feeling? Growing up with a seizure disorder left me with plenty of fodder for times to reflect on this feeling. Most of the time I felt normal. Included. And then suddenly, my world would go black. Time would stop. I felt as…

The Storm

I had just laid my son down for bed when the storm started. This was no ordinary storm. This was a good, old-fashioned, Arkansas spring storm. A wild beast of a thing that could turn into a tornado at any moment. Thunder, lightning, window-rattling wind, hail and flickering lights. The kind of storm where meteorologists encourage the television viewers to tie down their trampolines. And maybe their cars too. I passed by Nate's bedroom door and could tell he was sleeping peacefully thus far, judging by his gentle snores, despite the chaos outside. Lightning flashed beyond his window, illuminating the…

The Seeing Blind

In this present darkness, most of us feel oppressed at every turn. We sense spiritual forces battling it out. Good versus evil. Angels versus demons. Light against shadows. We've been taught to be good soldiers for Christ. Take up our cross and fight. Fight for truth. Fight for our children. Fight, well, for everything. Speaking the truth is always the right thing to do. We must speak what God has declared to be true, omitting nothing. But one thing most of us forget is this: truth never needs a defender. It stands on its own. That's what makes it truth.…

Rods and Staffs

God's presence. How I long for it. There are days when I feel nearly desperate for it. For Him. In some ways, it's an odd longing. Didn't Jesus already promise He's with me until the end of the age? (Matt. 28:20) Absolutely. He said His Spirit is living inside me as a deposit of the promises yet to come. (2 Cor. 1:22) Yet, there are days when I don't always feel Him with me. I'm not alone. When I googled "God's presence" I racked up a whopping 37 million plus hits. If Jesus is with me and living inside me, why…

An Open Letter from a Recovering People-Pleaser

I’ve had to learn some things the hard way. After years of exhaustion, of disappointment, of hiding behind my masks, of dark depression, I’ve learned that people pleasing may always be a battle for me. A daily battle. It’s a lie that I believed for far too long—mainly, that approval and love are the same thing. However, as God has peeled back layer after layer of my masks and choices, He has helped me understand that approval and love are not the same thing at all. They are, in fact, polar opposites. I‘m finally starting to realize my worth in…
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