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Lie #4: God is not really enough.

As part of our series "Liar", a look at the enemy's schemes and how to defeat them, we've come to a rather tricky little lie. Little #4: God is not really enough. Why is this one so sneaky? I think it's because many of us don't realize we have fallen for it. The truth is we say Jesus is all we need, we sing it in countless hymns and worship songs and print it on t-shirts and bumper stickers. But do we really mean it?  I was recently singing Kari Jobe's beautiful song "What Love Is This" in worship one…

Lie #3: “I’m Worthless” and Other Labels

Welcome back to our blog series "Liar", a look at our enemy and the lies he tells us. As a refresher, we've discussed Lie #1 "God's Main Concern is my Happiness" and Lie #2 "If my life were different, I would be different". This week's lie seems to be an arrow flung with far too much frequency by the enemy and one believed by far too many of God's children. Lie #3: "I'm worthless." Whenever I'm teaching at retreats about the enemy's lies and I come to this one, I ask the ladies to raise their hands if they have…

Lie #2: If my life were different, I would be different.

Welcome back to our blog series "Liar", a look at the lies Satan tells us and how to defeat them. Lie #2 is a sneaky one, one that I've fallen for many times. "If my life were different, I would be different."  If my job only paid better... If my husband treated me like he cared... If our house wasn't so small... If my health was good... If my kids would listen... Have you been there? It's a tempting way to live life. The "If Onlys" provide us with a fantasy world of perfection. A land where all our troubles…

Lie Number #1: God’s Main Concern is My Happiness

Welcome to the launch of a new blog series entitled "Liar". No, I'm not talking about what we regularly scream at our scales during weigh-ins. For the next few weeks, we'll be looking at the enemy of our souls, Satan, and some of his most common lies. I know from talking with many of you, we are stuck in the same cycle of behavior. The same mistakes and failures, the same steps to repair the damage, a step forward into freedom and then, whoops! We fall into the same old mess again. Part of that, I'm afraid, is just being…

Why I Gave Up Talking Politics on Social Media

I will no longer talk politics on social media. There. I said it. You may be thinking, "So what? This chick probably isn't very politically minded anyways." Wrong. I'm a musician, and to be honest, I rarely know the top hits of the day because my radio is always tuned into news talk stations. I'm extremely well-informed. My kids are almost as well informed as I am. I keep my thumb on the political pulse of our world every day. No, that's not why I'm giving up talking politics on social media. "But, Tara," my friends say, "the stakes have…

The Redemption of Kip

"Runt." "He'll never live." "He's so scrawny." I don't know what I did wrong. I was born, I guess. While all my brothers and sisters were cute, wriggly little pups, I was the outcast. Never expected to do much. To be much. At the pet store, the chubby, groping fingers of girls and boys would rove over all of our heads, scratching our ears, picking us up and snuggling their cheeks next to ours. Such happy feelings filled me, I couldn't help but lick their giggling faces with big swipes of my tongue. But eventually those happy feelings died as…
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