When The Makeup Runs

by Tara Johnson I watched the performers dancing down Main Street of Disney’s Magic Kingdom, spinning in their glittering, satin costumes, smiling with those perfectly lined white teeth and painted lips, and I couldn’t help it. I felt a pang of pity.  Oh, they were beautiful and mesmerizing as they sang and danced under the swelling rush of orchestra music …

A Wounded Shepherd: When Pastors Suffer With Depression

It’s taboo. A major no-no. Pastors never deal with stuff like depression. They certainly are never suicidal…right? Um, no. Talk of depression among pastors is often pushed under the rug. Oftentimes, by the pastors themselves. Thom S. Rainer says, “Depression was once a topic reserved for ‘other people’. It certainly was not something those in vocational ministry experienced. Perhaps it would …

The Forgetting: Learning to Forgive…and Forget

by Tara Johnson “I’ll forgive but I can’t forget.”  Have you heard this phrase before? Me too. Maybe you’ve thought it or even spoken it on occasion. It’s an understandable sentiment because, let’s face it, forgiveness is sometimes extremely difficult. The deeper the hurt, the more grievous the wound, the more jagged the scar, the harder forgiveness becomes. There are …

Some final thoughts from the lovely Linda Tracy Miller!

Please welcome back my friend Linda Tracy Miller for the third part of her guest spots on this blog. Her thoughts are always beautiful spun and a refreshing touch of grace for the day.  As long as we are alive, we are never too old to experience growing pains. Life is all about constant adjustments, coping with unexpected situations, gain …

Welcome back my guest Linda Tracy Miller!

When life suddenly changes and nothing seems to make sense, you are suddenly feel you are adrift in a fog shrouded ocean. Many years ago, after the death of my Dad, I read a story by Pearl Buck that made a strong impression on me. My Mom, like I would be later, was widowed in her 50’s. I wish I …

Welcome my guest Linda Miller!

Linda Miller is a dear friend, ministry supporter, lover of God and a wordsmith extraordinaire. Her poems, reflections and verses have blessed me many times over. I invited her to my blog today and pray you will be blessed by her heart as much as she touches me.  As life takes its toll on each of us, we can see …