What “Euphoria” Really Means

I was getting a bit bored, driving through soggy rice fields on my way to a prison in Arkansas, preparing to speak to inmates on a drizzly Sunday morning. Maybe it was the lack of scenery that made me notice it. Maybe it’s because it was the only building around for miles other than a few silos. But when I …

Wielding Nerf Swords: How to be a Grown-Up in a No-Accountability Culture

“I think I thrive under a lack of accountability.” ~Michael Scott, The Office Welcome to Accountability 101. Truth is a very valuable commodity. I think it’s safe to say it’s the most valuable commodity. That and love. And time. And hummus. Okay, maybe not hummus but that’s why I need accountability. I need people to tell me when I’m off …

What’s the Deal with the Christianese?

Something that cracks me up about believer lingo is the way some of us inadvertently slip into Christianese—you know, that unique way of speaking that identifies us as “Christian” to the outside world. The problem with Christianese is that it’s only understood by people within the same subculture. Much like consulting the Urban Dictionary to understand what on earth your …