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My 2018 Word of the Year

For the past several years, I've asked God to give me a word or phrase to meditate on during the course of the year. They usually revolve around an attribute of His, and boy, have I learned a lot by this practice. Last year's word was presence. I actively sought to put aside my to-do list to seek Jesus and His presence. Mary of Bethany is one of my favorite people in the Bible because whenever we read about her, she is found at Jesus' feet. That's how I want to live. I prayed about this year's word for weeks…

Holding Jesus

A stable foreshadowing a tomb. A weary girl trembling with fatigue and pain. A father with the weight of a new family pressing on his shoulders. A king gripped with fear that the Promised Child will be his undoing. And shepherds, their limbs trembling as angels announce a message that rocks their world to the core. Yet amidst these poignant images, the part of the Christmas story that touches my heart most deeply comes through the words of an aged man…Simeon. God has promised him that his eyes will not close in death until he physically sees the Messiah. As Joseph…

When Christmas Plans Fall Apart: What We Can Learn From the Chaos

Are you in the middle of a Christmas gone bad? I'm not talking about a pile of stress you brought on yourself by setting unrealistic expectations. I'm not talking about trying to be the Martha Stewart of party throwers, scrambling to find those oh-so-perfect gifts, being up to your elbows in ribbons, or any of the other ridiculous ways we let ourselves be drawn into the spiral of insanity that drives so many this time of year. What I'm talking about is altogether different. The unexpected diagnosis. Abandoning family plans because you're inside a hospital room with a loved one.…

The Angel

Past stars and galaxies, the glittering lights of mysteries beyond I flew. I was not alone. No, an entire heavenly congregation soared with me. We danced past shimmering hosts and luminescent wonders, winging and dancing, spiraling and speeding past the diamonds of the Holy One’s masterpiece until we pushed past the transparent glass of the blue marbled planet’s firmament. I breathed in the frigid air, peering through the night sky, to look down on this strange place…the King’s new home. Humble. Broken. Needy. Such a startling contrast from the glory of whence He had come. Indeed, the raw starkness of it swirled…

The Widow of the Nativity: Anna

Anna. One of the most overlooked people in the Christmas story but what a rich, beautiful legacy she left. Her life is one that reaches through time and tugs my heart closer to Jesus even today. People who are passionate for Jesus have a way of doing that. Not many verses are dedicated to Anna, (only three) but they pack a punch if we take the time to ponder them.  "There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old, and had lived with her husband for seven years after her marriage, and…

Misconduct and Allegations: The Problem We All Have in Common

The world has gone mad, or it seems so at least. No sooner do I hear the news of the latest round of men accused of misconduct, then the media buzzes with shocked outrage of yet another celebrity falling from his golden pedestal. From Harvey Weinstein to Matt Lauer, the names and stories are horrifying and heart breaking. "For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” ~Luke 8:17 Then there are those who are now being wrongfully accused by money-hungry women, eager for a quick check and…
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