“Buzz Lightyear Did It”, “I Can’t Help the Way I Am” and Other Ways We Stay Stuck

I stared at the Hot Wheels car submerged at the bottom of our toilet and frowned. I arched my brow and turned to spear my wide-eyed three-year old son with “the look”. He stood in his under-roos, clutching his Buzz Lightyear doll in his chubby arms, blinking those big brown eyes up at me with the innocent look of a …

Lie #5: Approval Means I’m Loved

We’re up to lie #5 in our series on exposing the enemy’s schemes…”Approval means I’m loved.” This lie was nearly my undoing. I desperately want people to like me. There. I said it. The thought of someone being displeased with me in any way drops a sick feeling in my gut. What’s one way to shake that cold feeling of …

A Writer’s Prayer

Lord, thank You for the gift of language. Thank You for written words that connect and reveal Your heart to ours. Thank you for the gift of creativity. The way Your Spirit moves through the realm of the unseen muse is a precious gift. I lift up my words, my written thoughts, my stories on the altar to You, Lord. …

Lie #4: God is not really enough.

As part of our series “Liar”, a look at the enemy’s schemes and how to defeat them, we’ve come to a rather tricky little lie. Little #4: God is not really enough. Why is this one so sneaky? I think it’s because many of us don’t realize we have fallen for it. The truth is we say Jesus is all …

Lie #3: “I’m Worthless” and Other Labels

Welcome back to our blog series “Liar”, a look at our enemy and the lies he tells us. As a refresher, we’ve discussed Lie #1 “God’s Main Concern is my Happiness” and Lie #2 “If my life were different, I would be different”. This week’s lie seems to be an arrow flung with far too much frequency by the enemy …

Lie #2: If my life were different, I would be different.

Welcome back to our blog series “Liar”, a look at the lies Satan tells us and how to defeat them. Lie #2 is a sneaky one, one that I’ve fallen for many times. “If my life were different, I would be different.”  If my job only paid better… If my husband treated me like he cared… If our house wasn’t …

Lie Number #1: God’s Main Concern is My Happiness

Welcome to the launch of a new blog series entitled “Liar”. No, I’m not talking about what we regularly scream at our scales during weigh-ins. For the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at the enemy of our souls, Satan, and some of his most common lies. I know from talking with many of you, we are stuck in the …